Amber Melanie Smith holding a sign that says Change the World or Bust against a city skyline

Activate your inner changemaker and unleash your power to change your life, workplace, and the world.

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    “Amber has an incredible ability to help people realize how to convert personal passion into community action.”

    Rosanne Johnson,
    President, Evoke Micromass
    Program Chair, Athena Enlightened Leaders

    Amber was definitely the draw for the evening.

    Donna Daniels

    Principal Program Manager at SAS, Business & Professional Women of the Triangle

    Amber is an engaging speaker and the students, educators, and nonprofit staff at the conference were inspired and motivated by Amber’s personal journey to service as well as her vision about the power of volunteerism to transform communities. I highly recommend her for your next event!

    Leslie A. Garvin, MSW

    Executive Director, North Carolina Campus Compact

    Watch Amber's Demo Reel

    Amber Melanie Smith holds a small earth in her hands while smiling

    Amber Melanie Smith is a speaker, award-winning nonprofit founder and social entrepreneur, and social impact YouTuber. Through a growing online community of changemakers, speaking, and educational content, Amber helps people create their roadmap to a life and career that creates positive social change.

    I'm on a mission to accelerate social impact by equipping changemakers at all levels with the knowledge, connections, and resources they need to succeed.

    I'll help your audience get the tools they need to...

    • Align their work and lifestyles to their social impact goals and transform personal, professional, and organizational success
    • Understand how positive social change happens and cultivate changemaker traits to drive social impact with their teams and communities
    • Effectively mobilize people around them to support their cause or goal
    • Overcome barriers to getting started and staying the course

    My talks are perfect for:

    Corporate social responsibility, employee engagement and human resources leaders and organizations  |  Women’s leadership events  |  Conferences and events for audiences seeking their next career opportunities  |  Young professionals  |  Aspiring nonprofit or social enterprise founders and leaders

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